Save Our Pets Program

save our pets programKeep your pets safe in the event of an emergency! The Elmhurst Fire Department is encouraging all pet owners to participate in the City’s “Save Our Pets” program. The purpose of the program is to allow first responders to quickly identify a home with pets, so that in case of an emergency, they know what type of pets live in the home, and how many to look for. Pets are family; let us know who from your pet family we need to rescue in case of an emergency. By filling out this form, we are able to send you a window cling which allows first responders to quickly know how many pets are in the home. Window clings are also available for pick up at City Hall, 209 N. York St.


In addition to the Save Our Pets Program, you can register your pet here with the Elmhurst Police Department so that they have your pet information in the case of an emergency.